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White Paper: It’s early in the game for 5G and the future looks bright

White-paper-White Paper: It’s early in the game for 5G and the future looks bright

White Paper: It’s early in the game for 5G and the future looks bright
The broadband industry is at the beginning stages of a monumental transformation, thanks to the introduction of 5G. Find out more in this special material offered by Corning.

The broadband industry is at the beginning stages of a monumental transformation, thanks to the introduction of 5G. This latest generation of wireless will be a catalyst for a historic technology evolution that will dramatically change our way of life.

It’s arriving at an opportune time and will be the underlying fuel to propel technologies like artificial intelligence (AI), the internet of things (IoT), and edge computing, all of which will help drive transformational change for individuals, communities, and industries.

Find out more in this special material offered by Corning.

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