The fourth industrial revolution is well underway – but how are organizations able to turn the possibilities of Industry 4.0 into operational realities? The trouble is, the wireless networks that most campuses rely on simply weren’t built for business-critical industrial use cases. They were designed for tasks such as web browsing and email communications, and they’re characterized by unpredictable performance, patchy coverage and poor security.

To make Industry 4.0 work for your organization, you need industrial-grade, pervasive wireless connectivity. With a private LTE/4.9G network, you can deliver real competitive advantage right now using your existing ecosystem of machines, sensors and systems. And you can prepare your organization for what’s next – a seamless transition to 5G. The technologies – industrial IoT, AI, machine learning and more – are available to help you sharpen your competitive edge, bringing automation-powered efficiency, turn-on-a-dime agility, and increased safety, security and compliance.

Get to know more in this special material from Nokia!